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6 Things That You Can Only Experience In Nicaragua


Article Contributed by: Emily Flowers 

There are certain experiences that you will only be able to get in Nicaragua.  If you do it anywhere else, it would be a sin, as the experience in Nicaragua is a hundred times better.  Here are some amazing experiences that you shouldn’t miss out on: 

1. Volcano boarding
volcano boarding, nicaragua
So not only are Nicaragua's beaches full of great waves all year long, but it’s also got volcanoes you can surf down. Okay, it’s a bit gritty, but you’ve got to try it at least once. It starts with hiking up a volcano for around 50 minutes. Then you take a piece of wood and ride it down like a sled going 30 mph. The bits of volcanic ash turn into gravel, which isn’t as forgiving as snowflakes, but still fun. 

Note: You do not want to ride the board standing up like you’re surfing or snowboarding. You would only look cool for about 10 seconds before you fell face first into gravel. No one wants that. 
2. Somoto Canyon 
somoto canyon, nicaragua
Visit a canyon that was made into a national monument in 2005, but before then it was largely undiscovered.  They have tours ranging from 3 to 6 hours where you can swim and go canyoning in the longest river in Central America, el Rio Coco. There are also several 30-40 foot jump offs into the clear blue water below. 

Note: The park sometimes closes in October due to high water. 

3. Be the only one on the Beach
nicaragua beach
In Nicaragua, you can experience being the only person on the beach. You would have to really search hard to find an empty beach in Costa Rica, but in Nicaragua just head a little outside of some of the bigger towns and you have the beach all to yourself.

4. Visit a Colonial City 
granada, nicaragua
Nicaragua still has thriving colonial cities, such as Leon and Granada, dating back from the 1500s. Leon is a city filled with high end eateries, art galleries galore, and historical and architecturally important churches. Granada is a beautiful city in its own right. Around every corner is a picture perfect setting.  It has the colonial cobblestone streets and many churches to explore. 

5. Surf all year long 
surfing in nicaragua

Because of Nicaragua's multitude of reefs and rivers that feed into the ocean, as well as the fact that it gets a ton of Pacific Ocean wind, you can find good waves any time of the year.  For a surfing trip with a vibrant, but equally social vibe, San Juan Del Sur and Popoyo are a favorite among surfers and all types of travelers. You can hop on your board, and hop off into one of the many beach side bars for a Toña or Victoria beer. 

6. See an active volcano 
volcano, nicaragua
Due to the activity under its surface, Nicaragua’s volcanoes are often active. It has 19 volcanoes in total and half of them are active.  Some of them you can drive up to, park your car, and look over the edge into the inferno of lava below.

There are many more experiences that you can only have in Nicaragua. What are your favorites? Leave a comment below!
6 Things That You Can Only Experience In Nicaragua Reviewed by Surf Ranch on May 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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