The San Juan Del Sur Garbage Cleanup Movement is growing!
We started 2 weeks ago with only the 3 of us. The 2nd week, 6 people showed up and for the 3rd week, we had over 25 people show up. The movement is growing and we invite everyone to join us next Sunday. We have now introduced a free BBQ and beers for everyone who helps us clean up San Juan Del Sur. It's amazing seeing the Expats and Locals join forces for the same cause, to clean the world that we all live in.
We are calling all businesses, locals, and expats to come join the movement next Sunday and every Sunday after that from around 10am - 12 noon. There will be different locations each time, which you can see on the Facebook Group here.
We would like to thank all of the locals who came out last Sunday, including the new management of Casa Oro, expats, and even the 2 guys who brought a boat to clean the garbage from the river. We would like to see 50 people or more show up this Sunday. We will provide the gloves, bags, free food, beers, transport and we will drop off all the garbage at the dump after the event. It's good exercise, you get to meet new people, clean up the town and have the satisfaction of knowing you did something great!
We want to be able to keep this going every Sunday, therefore anyone who wants to help keep San Juan Del Sur clean, but are not in San Juan Del Sur, you can still contribute here.
The San Juan Del Sur Garbage Cleanup Movement is growing!
Reviewed by Surf Ranch
May 09, 2016

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